


For those of you working in the beauty industry, you’re probably up to date with all the latest trends, but what about the trends of years’ gone by? At the time they seemed like the height of fashion, but looking back now it’s hard not to cringe at some of the bold and often bizarre looks. Here are the beauty lessons we can learn from previous generations, you never know, you might be able to share this post with a client who’s style is stuck in the ‘70s...

Easy on the eyes…

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The ‘80s was all about the heavily made up look, all you have to do is a quick Google of Maddona way back when to see what we mean. Liner was in high demand and would often be worn on the top and bottom lids, and mascara was applied by the bucket load, with thick and dare we say ‘clumpy’ lashes being the height of sophistication.

Today we know less is more, and that our eyes can be enhanced subtly with clever use of colour, a good pair of eyelash curlers and a sweep of mascara, or for those with thin lashes, a natural set of lash extensions, no need for 10 layers of mascara anymore!

Mullet mania…

Thank goodness the mullet is a thing of the past, we now firmly know not to cut short layers into the top of our hair and grow the bottom long, it’s not flattering...on anybody! While on the subject of hair, we’re also pleased that we have moved on from the stripey highlights phase in the 90s. Another trend that is difficult to pull off, few people suit a black and blonde striped ‘do.

Alongside that, crimping is thankfully long gone. Today we put effort into smoothing our locks with argan oils and similar, rather than working to create a corrugated card look to the hair, to make it big and errr bushy?!

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Teeny tiny eyebrows…

The ‘90s was an interesting era for beauty, and saw many of us plucking away our brows. This is something many of us regret today. With the trend for full and shapely brows, because of the ‘90s trend for thin brows, many of us now have to pencil in thicker brows, or are seeking professional help (which is where you come in!) to give the appearance of full eyebrows.

We now firmly know not to go wild on the plucking, and save our brows for the professionals.

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Glitter Galore…

Today we know glitter isn’t particularly classy. A touch here and there can be nice, maybe a soft shimmer on the eyes to make them pop, but in the ‘90s we loved glitter! We caked ourselves in the stuff in the ‘90s, with glitter body spray and hair spray, glitter shadows and lip glosses, even pink glittery tops, coming home after a night out must have been a glitter nightmare.

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One thing we can do as a beauty professional, aside from avoiding the horrific beauty trends of years gone by, is to look stylish at work, which is where we come in! Choose from stylish beauty tunics and salon uniforms, perfect for keeping cool and comfortable at work, while of course looking great too.