Companies that do not value and invest in their employees are risking their success. On the contrary, organisations that invest in the well-being, physical and mental health and the satisfaction of their employees have in their hands a catalyst for positive results.
No business survives without people. Collaborators are the cells of any organisation; the units that make all projects advance.
A work environment geared toward people can be looked upon as an investment. The organisation that invests in its employees is investing in its success.
Satisfied employees work better. Therefore, investing in a healthy work environment is an essential initiative for successful management, whatever the size of the company.
Provide a suitable working environment
Having a place with appropriate working conditions is not only a way to promote well-being at work but a prerequisite that the company must provide to its professionals.
Thus, it is fundamental that the organisational environment is structured to favour the performance of the work and consider the specifics of the professional function and the worker.
It is also essential that resources and equipment be provided so that the professional is capable of adequately performing his or her function.
In general, the necessary conditions cover structures, procedures, as well as uniforms, tools, lighting, temperature, sound, ventilation, allocation, and hygiene.
Here are some ideas to promote the well-being in the corporate environment:
Invest in the quality of the physical environment
A good work environment, apart from being characterised by peace and good relationship among professional colleagues, also depends on the efficiency in carrying out daily activities.
Thus, it is fundamental that the physical environment favours the progress of the activities. A comfortable, well-equipped space with the proper lighting, ventilation, and technologies required to carry out the tasks, prevents employees from stressing due to operational issues. This contributes to the fluidity and optimisation of the work.
Invest in ergonomics
Ergonomics is nothing more than the study of people's organisation in the workplace. And this is done by adapting the objects to the needs of the employees.
Providing correct table height, hand or footrests and replacing furniture that does not meet ergonomic requirements is one of the tips for improving ergonomics.
Invest in quality uniforms
When a company provides uniforms to its employees, it means that it is concerned with their comfort and well-being.
Every employee who uses professional clothing expects them to be easy to wear, durable, comfortable and beautiful.
Functional uniforms that don't restrain body movements and are made of quality materials positively influences the employee, promoting greater motivation in the work activities.
Your employees will wear their uniform every workday for about eight hours. Therefore, it is essential that they feel comfortable wearing it, to not disturb their well-being and, consequently, their productivity.
Invest in comfort and socialisation spaces
Resting and coexistence spaces can be created - to be used, for example, during lunch hours. Initiatives like these also increase the sense of well-being during professional practice.
An adequate work environment, with excellent facilities, proper ventilation and light, and appropriate uniforms and equipment is a determining factor for the success of any business.
As an entrepreneur, when you care about the well-being of your employees and give them the conditions to develop and work comfortably; your company is the biggest beneficiary.