
beauty tunics

We sat down with Beauty professional Caireen Bruce who has always had a passion for working in the beauty industry. After starting her own business, Glitzy Nails in 2010, Caireen shared with us her secrets to success and her favourite Diamond Designs beauty tunic.

Read on to find out more...

Were you always interested in a career in the beauty industry?

My career didn't start until my 30th Birthday. I had my 2 son's and the eldest was attending primary school while my youngest was nursery age. I was fed up one day and passed our local college which had an opening day and I wheeled him in there in his buggy, had a quick interview with head of the beauty therapist dept at cumbernauld college and it all started from there.

What made you want to start your own business?

When I qualified in 2003, I was fortunate to start a part time job in Westerwood Hotel. I worked there for over a year and found it quite a back breaking job due to constant massage therapies. I knew at the time I had a secret passion for nails and left that job to start my own business . I wanted to concentrate and become professional as I found that most therapists never had time to learn to administer nails properly.

I dabbled with acrylics but fell in love with Calgel and pursued certification in 2009. I became Glitzy Nailz in February 5th 2010 and have worked here since.

Where do you see your business in the next five years?

I'm a sole trader and work from home at the moment.. Five years down the line I would love to establish myself further by becoming a lecturer at college or renting out a space within a reputable salon in my area.

Do you wear a beauty tunic when providing treatments to clients?

I haven't worn a tunic for a while now but think they look more professional. I had t shirts printed with diamantes but I do prefer a smart tunic. It looks more glam.

What is your favourite Diamond Designs beauty tunic?

I think your Lili tunic is beautiful and would consider purchasing that.


How do you manage your business online?

I have been online for 6 years now and use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn , Pinterest and Instagram.

I have a normal profile on Facebook and also a business page although I do find that expensive so mainly use instagram now and share with Twitter.  I have my posts linked up to fb which kills 2 birds with one stone lol . It's hard work pushing business online and difficult to keep potential clients interested  but I've survived .

How important do you think social media is for beauty businesses?

Social media and business is essential these days although I do miss the simplicity of a website.

Are there any accounts you follow to keep up with the latest beauty trends and tips?

My clients are pinterest mad so that's usually the app for ideas and information . I follow Izabelle Hammon CALGEL on all apps to keep updated with colours and new collections and I'm also a big fan of Sam Biddle's work.

I've also been very fortunate on few occasions to have my work published in scratch magazine. I think I'm in it this month but I need to renew subscription and forgot due to funeral this month.

What is your favourite beauty treatment?

Apart from administering Calgel treatment I loved administering Espa facial and body treatments when I worked within Westerwood Spa . They are the most therapeutic beautiful scented products I've ever used  . Loved the geranium cleanser. I can still smell that when I think about it .. lovely.



We want to say a big thank you to Caireen for taking the time to answer our questions. We hope this has been helpful! If you would like to get involved to feature on our next Q&A blog, then send an email to:

To style your beauty salon, we provide gorgeous uniforms for beauty therapists, with a wide selection of beauty tunics and spa uniforms for you to choose from.