Becoming a Social-media Rock Star: Growing your Business in 5 Steps


Social media can be a tough challenge for any business, especially if you don’t have the expertise of a trained social media specialist at hand- oh the luxury! While social media might seem like it’s strictly for those who love interacting with others and have a lot of spare time on their hands (if only!), it’s a valuable area to master for all businesses. If you fancy becoming a social media wizard in order to successfully promote your business online then here are our top tips to sky rocket your social media pages.

The 5 Products Every Girl Needs in Their Handbag


If you’re anything like us then your handbag will be overflowing with everything but the kitchen sink. Makeup, keys, books, you name it and we’ve probably had it stuffed in there at one time or another. So, it’s time for a spring clean, and to decide what we really need to keep by our sides during the busy working day or a leisurely stroll to the nearest coffee shop. If you need some inspiration then here are the 5 products we think every girl needs in their handbag.

Facial Oils on Oily Skin – Yay or Nay?


If you thought having oily skin is a beauty no-no, (and, let’s face it, no one enjoys walking around with a greasy face!). Then, you’re probably wondering why on earth you’d consider using a facial oil. Well, think again! Facial oils are the ultimate beauty treatment and one that surprisingly all skin types can use. So, why are facial oils one of the crème de crème products for oily skin?

5 of the Best Beauty Youtubers to Subscribe To


Whether you’re looking for the best beauty hacks to use on your clients or you wanna know the best new makeup products on the block, Youtube is the place to be. It seems like everyone is a wannabe Zoella these days, but, there are some beauty gurus that really know their stuff and we’d be lost without their handy application hints and seasonal must haves. If you’re new to the world of Youtube then take a look at our favourite 5 best beauty youtubers to subscribe to.

Natural, Organic and Cruelty-Free: Worth the Hype?


It seems more and more celebrities are embracing an all-natural and organic lifestyle, shunning those beauty companies that test on animals or use non-vegan ingredients. Superstars such as Natalie Portman, Gisele Bundchen, Miranda Kerr and Gwyneth Paltrow are all natural beauty devotees, and most of these have gone on to launch their own collection of natural and organic products.

But what is the fuss all about? Why are they so concerned with using only natural ingredients? What does it even mean to be toxin-free? Here are some reasons why you should consider introducing natural products to your salon.

Coconut Oil: The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread? (And healthier too!)


Miranda Kerr drinks it, Kourtney Kardashian puts it in her hair and Jennifer Aniston eats it to boost her weight loss. It seems that the world has gone crazy for coconut oil. It is being hailed as the all new miracle health and beauty product of 2016. You’ve read all the hype and now you have a jar of it sitting in your bathroom cabinet. The question now is how do you use it?

Customers who think they're always right: 5 easy ways to deal

"I want something completely different," the client will say, "but please use natural colours and the same MAC palette as I do." Or maybe it's "but I always draw on my eyebrows like that." You'll smile and agree but in your head you'll be thinking that you're holding a mascara wand and not a magic wand. 

The client is always right, after all. Or are they?

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7 Beauty Salon fails - don't let them happen to you

Anybody who has worked in the beauty world knows that the job can often be far from glamorous, and that ‘easy breezy’ atmosphere can often be difficult to create. Balancing creativity with professionalism can be tricky. And just when you finally feel like you’ve got that down pat, the clients come knocking to offer their two cents! Indeed, you will soon learn that the customer is always right. Even when they’re wrong. To help keep you and your business happy, here are seven ways you can avoid a beauty salon ‘fail’.

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