It's hard to please everyone in life, and with business, it's no different. As much as we would love to please all of our clients realistically speaking it's not going to happen. Some people will love what you do, others not so much, so the best way to deal with this situation is to attract more of the clients you love because chances are, they will appreciate your work more.
How to attract more of the clients you love?
Just because you have a service or product to sell, it doesn't mean the client will want to buy it from you, even if what you are selling is a must-have service for all still doesn't determine a client’s business as they may have a favourite place elsewhere, and we have to take that into consideration.
Try to focus on the clients you love first of all, and hopefully, that love and appreciation will shine through, and they will adore you back and become your loyal clients.
You're probably sitting there thinking easier said than done, right? Well actually it's not that difficult at all (when you know how!), and here we will show you exactly how to do that.
Common ground
Focus on your client potential, determine a common ground between both parties, and offer a service that is something relatable and of interest as well as needs. Look at what clients approach you for, make time to communicate, and find about a client's interests and hobbies and perhaps their place of work. Maybe your business can offer something that another may not? The only way to know is to ask, and if you can offer something more convenient to the next, you are halfway there!
Social media and other online platforms
Use social media and ask the consumer what they want? What would they like to see? What would attract them to change from normal routine in favour of something new? Target your audience with appealing new ideas, special offers, and promotions and encourage feedback to get some sort of idea on how to improve things and to introduce new ideas. Take time to read testimonials of your own work as well as others offering a similar service in order to reflect and make changes if need be.
Encourage staff to get involved
Perhaps your staffs have some ideas too, listen to your employees and include their input. They may favour a particular clientele, and their idea is to work together to improve a better, more successful working environment for all as well as for business goals.
Reward loyalty as, and when you can, it could be in the form of a points card for clients who keep returning as well as for staff who have performed exceptionally well that month.
And Most of all, listen to your audience, it will not go unnoticed, and you will undoubtedly get recognition for it.