How To Achieve The Best Branding For The Beauty Industry

Building a strong brand is often what sets apart a small business from its competitors. Having a strong visual identity helps a brand stay in the minds of their customers...

Hair & Beauty Salon Decorating Ideas

The beauty market has been on the rise for some years now, and cosmetic/beauty salons continue to flourish with a growing number of customers every year. With so many salon...

Seven of The Best Beauty Moments in The Movies

Some movies teach us lessons about life, others talk about love, and there are others whose story reminds us of many moments in our life. Unsurprisingly, the seventh art seeks...

Trendy Beauty Uniforms to Look Glamorous in 2019

What would you think of a beautician who would welcome you in a neglected outfit, boring, insipid and just unsuited to her job? That would probably not inspire you with...

Are your beauty uniforms making the right impression?

There are some key factors that every salon owner or beautician should consider when selecting the beauty uniform, they want for their business. In an increasingly competitive market, everyone should...

A decade in beauty: 5 beauty trends of 2005 that thankfully died

Ah, 2005. We remember it well. Rihanna released her first album, Chihuahuas were Hollywood’s hottest accessory, and we rocked chunky highlights and wire chokers. 

Those were the days! Things were very different in the beauty world too. Was it better or worse? We’ll let you decide for yourself with a look back on the five beauty trends of 2005.

5 topics of conversation that are off-limits when making small talk with customers

As any beauty therapist or long-standing hairdresser knows, small talk is one of the tricks of the trade. Certain questions will ring in your head after the workday. “Are you going anywhere nice on holiday?” is almost a mantra at this stage!

But not everyone is keen on small talk. While Mary from up the road might be happy to tell you everything about her entire life, other clients won’t be so keen. Some salons are even introducing ‘quiet chairs’ for clients who’d rather browse a magazine than have a chat.

Regardless of the chattiness of your client, there are some conversations you just can’t have. You don’t want to inadvertently drop a clanger so bad that a client wants to make a bee-line for the door mid bikini wax – and it’s even worse if they’re a new customer and your choice of topic means they won’t be coming back.

How to get yourself out the door in the morning in 20 minutes flat


You get to a point in your life where even the thought of having more than 20 minutes for yourself in the morning seems smug and unrealistic. God what you wouldn’t give for another ten minutes to snuggle your pillow!

So if you’re one of the lucky ones who has more time than that, enjoy it. But for the rest of us with kids to make breakfast for, traffic to dodge or a mountain of work on your desk to sort, you’re probably desperately in need of a quick and simple morning routine.

How to select a uniform for your body shape

beauty uniforms for body shapes
We hear so much about choosing party clothes to fit and flatter your body, but we never hear much about how we can dress for our regular 9-5s. Unless you’re Kim Kardashian and your job requires you to wear a booty-huggin’ body-con, that advice can only help us so much. With this in mind, we’ve had a look through our uniform collection and given thought to which pieces are most flattering for each body shape.

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Fabric Information

Infinity/Pontella – Luxury French performance fabric. Highly modified polyester filament that gives the wearer the ultimate in long-term performance. Unrivalled colour retention, excellent size and shape stability. Inherent wickability –...

Purchasing and Returns

Q: How do I order from Diamond Designs? A: You can order online through our secure website  Alternatively you can order by fax, phone or post using our order...