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Maternity Uniforms – Comfortable & Practical
When you first find out that you are pregnant, the news fills you with joy like no other. And as time progresses, with the baby bump growing at a rapid pace, the need for free-flowing and more accommodating clothes becomes a necessity. Specially for working women, looking presentable while feeling at ease ranks as a primary concern. But when it comes to having a dress code at work, as in the case of beauty experts, spa therapists and other medical professionals, wearing the same plus size uniforms everyday can be quite boring. It is here that Diamond Designs comes to your rescue. The maternity clothes we design allows expecting working women carry themselves in style and with a lot of confidence and ease.Crafted with utmost care using the very superior and durable polycotton twill weave fabric, comprising 67% polyester and 33% cotton, the maternity range comes cut out for women who do not let anything stop them from doing what they want to. Take on the world in your signature style while we bring you comfy uniform solutions for your expanding waistline!