You meet all sorts of people in work. Whether a regular client or brand new, we can all agree they fall in to some kind of category. Read on to find out the various types of clients in a salon, and tips on what to look out for when working with them!
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The "Tell Me Everything"
This client wants to know what you've just done, what you're about to do next, and why. Usually a perfectionist, this client is detail-oriented, and will usually have high expectations for the outcome of their treatment. They will ask questions every step of the way and the benefits that will come from it, whether in health or aesthetics.
How to Deal: Happily provide them with all the information they need - this will build their trust in you. Also know that, most of the time, this is coming from a place of genuine curiosity rather than criticism.
The "Whatever You Think!"
This client is indecisive. They haven't decided on a set nail preference, hair style or skin routine that makes them feel the most confident. They put their trust in you, the expert, to make the right call. This can be daunting; what if you paint their natural nails when they wanted length, or cut bangs when they just grew their last ones out!?
How to Deal: Take them away from the chair for a while, where they don't feel pressured to make an instant decision. Grab some salon magazines, or other sources of inspiration, and let your client thumb through them. Remind the client that it's their decision and they can choose whatever they like, not just opt for what suits.
The "You're My Friend!"
This client goes to the salon for the social aspect. A lover of chats, THEY ask YOU if you have any holidays planned, rather than the other way around! If not in the chair, you can also find them chatting to the other clients in the waiting area.
How to Deal: Remember to be professional, as you are still providing a service. Keep those boundaries, and also keep the salon service as the primary focus. That doesn't mean you can't have a bit of fun, though - especially if they're a long term client!
That's all for this week. See you next week!
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