Looking for brilliant scrubs on a budget? Look no further! As times are hard at the moment, we wanted you have scrubs you can depend on at incredibly affordable prices....
In need of a uniform that's fun and exciting? Introducing Zoe & Chloe, exclusively stocked on Diamond Designs! Customers love these uniforms for being true to size and GREAT value...
Nursing uniforms have come a long way from being the traditional, disposable garments used to cover your clothes. Even while browsing nursing scrubs, you'll find a large variety of colours,...
Bored of your uniform? Need an update? It can be hard to keep up with fashion trends, especially when it comes to your work/industry. Never fear, however! We've compiled the...
Colour psychology is a fascinating subject. The fact that different colours can make you feel different things has been studied for a long time, and many businesses use this to...
Welcome back to The Scrub Hub! During this series, we pick a healthcare uniform that we've been loving and tell you all about what makes it so great. We love...
Everyone wants to feel that little bit luxurious while working. Whether you are a doctor, dentist, nurse, or veterinarian, it is true. Luckily, our Grey's Anatomy collection has the perfect...
Are you a doctor who likes to wear scrubs, and wanting to hit refresh on your uniforms in 2023? Look no further! Diamond Designs have a collection of high-quality doctors...
Ah, the New Year. When all the chocolate has been consumed and the crackers have been pulled, it can be a downer to return to work when you’ve gotten used...